Every year thousands of cargo vessels cross the Canal and over 50 international and cargo airlines use Tocumen international airport and both share in and stop for cargo and buy their supplies from handlers operating from the Colon Free Zone.
The zone hosts over 200,000 buyers, business people and tourists each year. Wholesalers and retailers are able to buy all tax free consumer products either by the container load or in smaller quantities. Free zone importers bring in container loads of goods and break them down for resale.
The colon free zone houses over 2500 companies, employs over 28,000, it’s the world’s biggest free zone after Hong Kong importing goods from Asia, Europe and North America and re-exports a wide variety of merchandise to Latin America and the Caribbean.
City Jungle Panama taxi service will take you shopping at the Colon free zone. Contact us toll free or email us at info@cityjungletaxiservice.com and we will drive you to it.